Being able to read in your own language is the single most valuable key to learning.

by Paul M. Wilson
“You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be. I had a mother who read to me.
Strickland Gillian
Reading Skills
Without the knowledge of how to read all types of written materials, a person will never progress in school or in life.
The impact of reading is seen immediately in the acts that are stimulated by what a person has read. Learning from reading and studying books well can lead to graduation from school or college.
I make it a rule to read at least one book a week and I keep the most valuable books and often refer to them for new ideas.
When I was about four years old, my mother was an unemployed grade school teacher who was unable to find a teaching job during the Great Depression. Bored, she decided to teach me how to read. I was soon reading children’s books and then went on to more advanced readings. I was delighted by what I was learning from reading. Reading every day became a habit for me from then on.
One day, at a family reunion (a monthly, pre-TV affair held at my grandparent's home), everyone was singing and talking while I sat on my little stool and listened. I had a big book on my lap. My favorite uncle spotted me and laughingly asked, “what are you reading , Paul?” He undoubtedly thought that the book was not one I could possibly read at my age. The room quieted down and everyone stared at me with my big book. I held the book up high and announced that the book was from my grandma’s book shelf and that I liked it a lot. It was Webster’s Dictionary. Everyone laughed heartily, but my uncle smiled and asked me to look up a word. His word was “important.” He didn’t think I could do so, but I surprised everyone but my mother that I could not only read but was doing so well before most older kids were in kindergarten or first grade. I quickly opened the book, found the word and read it’s meaning out loud. My relatives were amazed. My uncle came over to me, lifted me and Webster into his arms and gave me a hug saying he was proud of me. My Mother beamed. She was a successful teacher.
How to start a plan to read everyday:
The best way to start a reading plan is to go to a library and ask the librarian for help. She will pick appropriate books that best fit your goals in life. At the library later on, I began to look for books that interested me. First I read a lot of science fiction, then went on to science books and history books as they were of great interest to me.
Find a list of recommended books or articles to read on kindle, the internet, and purchase books from used book stores. Look for books as well on Amazon and other book seller’s sites.
Benefits of reading every day that will have a positive impact on a person’s life.
Reading helps improve your vocabulary, builds confidence in your communication skills, helps you understand life through the lives and perspectives of others, and helps you appreciate history more, but most of all - you learn. Set a goal of how many books you will read in one year and add goals for yourself as to what you plan to learn from each book. Better yet, you should take notes of thoughts or quotes that you can use later in talks or in your school reports.
“The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page.
Rachel Audours