The information produced by a system or process from a specific input, and the OUTCOMES.

Desired Outcomes for 21st Century Learners

  • 7C’s of Transformational Learning and Component Skills
  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving-Research, Analysis, Synthesis, Project Management, etc.
  • Creativity & Innovation-New Knowledge Creation, ”Best Fit” Design Solutions, Artful Storytelling, etc
  • Collaboration, Teamwork & Leadership-Cooperation, Compromise, Consensus, Community-building, etc
  • Cross-Cultural Understanding-Across Diverse Ethnic, Knowledge & Organizational Culture
  • Communication & Media Fluency-Crafting & Analyzing Messages & Using Media Effectivel
  • Computing & ICT (Information and Communications Technology
  • Fluency Effective Use of Electronic Info & Knowledge Tools
  • Career & Learning-Self-Reliance Managing Change, Lifelong Learning & Career Redefinition



A culminating activity will be held to honor and recognize students in an 'Ambassador of (your local region)' competition.

The outcomes will include their complete digital portfolios, letters of recommendation, resumes, and a new sense of confidence and accomplishment.



Compare the above chart with living in a box truck, with 20'x20' farm, learning online, etc. Almost zero expenses.

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