I perform my daily tasks with joy.
To a large extent, happiness is the result of enjoying all the little tasks we do each day. Because of this, I execute my daily tasks with joy and enthusiasm.
I am able to quickly and easily find joy in the little things.
If I am taking out the trash, I enjoy the opportunity to be outside. If I am washing the dishes, I enjoy the mental break this simple task provides. I enjoy the radio as I am driving to work. Cooking brings me joy because I am nourishing my family and myself.
The joy of these simple, daily tasks adds another level of happiness and contentment to my life. I am able to turn the mundane into something meaningful. My spirituality is increased when I can find meaning in daily tasks.
Even brushing my teeth and getting dressed provide joy. My daily rituals bring order to my life and make me more effective. My daily routines afford me more free time.
I execute my daily tasks with joy. I encourage others to see the beauty in life and to experience it fully. Others seem grateful for my advice and encouragement.
Today, I complete my daily tasks with as much joy as possible. I appreciate the little things in life and realize that great joy is hidden inside seemingly mundane responsibilities. I am grateful for my daily tasks.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I more fully appreciate my daily obligations?
2. How would my life change if I were able to perform my daily tasks with more joy?
3. What could I do to discover peace and tranquility in my tasks?
I pay attention to the things that give me fulfillment.
My days are more fulfilling when I do things that are meaningful to me. The relationships I share with friends and family are part of what keeps my soul happy.
My loved ones bring such joy to my life. Spending time with special people enriches my spirit. Having interactions with them opens up fountains of excitement and thoughtful care. My loved ones make it easy to be around them.
Taking on small business endeavors is also very fulfilling. I spend much of my spare time devising plans for creating a new business idea.
When I spend time creating, I feel like I am using my days in this world more purposefully. It gives me great pride to know that I am being productive instead of wasting time.
The energy I get from interacting with nature is inspiring. Seeing how effortlessly flowers embrace their individual beauty inspires me to love myself.
When I look in the mirror, I tell myself that I am beautiful just the way I am. Seeing my reflection drives my self-belief and gives me confidence to embrace both my fineness and my flaws.
Today, there is fulfillment in loving relationships and loving myself. I commit to living a life that fulfills my purpose in this world. My days are wonderful because I make the most of each waking moment. This life is worth living because I am fulfilled.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How often do I find new things that give me fulfillment?
2. How do I respond when I am thrown into a situation that adds little value to my life?
3. How do I encourage myself to persevere when a challenge seems unbearable?
Good things happen to me every day.
There are many reasons I am happy to be alive. Each day provides a wondrous experience. When I keep my eyes and ears open, I am privy to the positive things that occur around me.
I remain open to the good that life holds for me. Although it would be easy to take many of these things for granted, I stay ready to notice them from moment to moment.
I enjoy my interactions with others. My partner calms and comforts me. Co-workers offer me their guidance. A neighbor helps me start my car, offers me a ride to work when I need it, and brings down a sumptuous meal when I am under the weather.
Even the weather blesses me. The sun warms me. A cool breeze blows. Rain falls. Snow drifts into beautiful panoramas. To me, it is all a wonderful production of nature, performed in my honor.
When a situation irritates me, I look for a positive benefit. Perhaps the only good thing I can find is a lesson learned, but that lesson can help make my life better.
I see the good in each day.
Today, I find something positive in each moment and every experience. I strive to notice and appreciate the goodness that comes my way every day.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I notice the good things that occur every day?
2. Can I find something good even in situations that may be unpleasant at the time?
3. How can I open my eyes and soul to all of the good things that take place daily?
Loving thoughts fill my mind.
Kind and loving thoughts guide my speech and actions.
Loving others strengthens my relationships. I reveal my vulnerabilities. I accept feedback graciously. My victories and setbacks become more meaningful because I go through them with family and friends.
Loving others reduces stress. I am happy to accommodate others. I feel at peace even if things turn out differently than I had planned.
I thank others for their kindness. I remember the good things that they contribute to my life. I am grateful for my education and health care. I appreciate the workers who build roads and supply electricity.
I admire the good qualities of others. I take pleasure in listening to a talented musician or reading about a famous scientist.
I recognize how much I have in common with others. We share the same basic needs and aspirations. I discover more opportunities for understanding and cooperation. I see that their happiness is just as important as my own.
To generate loving thoughts, I start with my family and friends. I recall my warm feelings towards them. I imagine bringing that emotion into my communications with the rest of the world.
If I become tense or irritated, I use my breath to restore my loving thoughts. I cherish myself as I breathe in. I cherish others as I breathe out.
Today, I offer my good wishes and practical assistance to those around me. I view others with compassion and affection.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I motivate myself to be kind to people who annoy me?
2. How do I feel when I give to others out of love?
3. What is the relationship between mindfulness and love?
Financial wealth produces little depth of joy.
There is a deep inner joy that is unlikely found in financial wealth. Although being rich allows me to satisfy material wants, it is insufficient for true happiness. I seek that contentment from richness of relationships and peace of mind.
Being wealthy allows me to pay for anything, but possessions have a fleeting value. I prefer to use financial wealth to do good things in the world.
Whenever I earn money, I put aside a portion for charity. Being able to help the less fortunate gives me a feeling of accomplishment. I feel happy when I see my contributions support the basic necessities of others.
I use my financial wealth to expose my kids to new learning experiences. When I see their horizons expanding, I get a true sense of inner happiness. The joy runs deep when I am able to facilitate their progress.
When I look at the spending opportunities in front of me, I choose the ones that bring togetherness.
Being able to bond with my family and friends is meaningful. I also celebrate being able to use my resources to promote togetherness in the wider community.
Today, I am happy that I rely on meaningful experiences for deep joy. I acknowledge that financial wellness rarely means true happiness. I am conscious of the difference between superficial happiness and deep rooted joy.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I ensure that I remain humble while being financially wealthy?
2. How can I determine when something will bring me long term joy?
3. How can I use financial wealth to bring positivity to the world?
Happiness is disguised as wonderful memories.
Experiences that make great memories are the substance of true happiness. I live for encounters that have a lasting, positive effect in my mind.
I surround myself with people who play a meaningful role in my life. Those relationships create memories that remind us how special we are to each other. My bond with loved ones grows stronger because I enjoy sharing good times with them.
When I think back to good times, I smile. Reminiscing recreates the feeling of bliss that cherished experiences are made of.
My relationship with my kids is based on what we share together. I love being the person they come to for guidance. Being able to help them at key points in their lives is an honor. I think back to those memorable times with pride and happiness.
Material possessions have a less lasting effect on my happiness. Even though they bring immediate pleasure, their impact on my mindset fades over time.
Very few things compare to catching up with old friends about our experiences. Spending time reliving the positive emotions of our adventures together brings me joy.
Today, I am blessed to have experiences that bring unspeakable wonder to my life. The source of my endless happiness is my bank of memories of special times. I am committed to creating more happy memories like these.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I make some memories that I can cherish for a lifetime?
2. How open am I to reflecting about positive memories that stem from unfortunate circumstances?
3. How do I go about learning from my experiences so I can maintain happiness?
5 Easy Ways to Create Joy Today
Joy doesn't have to be hard to manifest in your life. You can create it by making a conscious effort to have more happiness.
Joy is an important mindset. It's not just about what happens to you. Your reactions to events, circumstances, people, and situations are part of it. Joy may feel impermanent or fickle, but you can attract it and make it more stable.
Create more joy in your life:
1. Make a change. Whether you've always wanted to learn how to play the piano or take a professional cooking class, you can make changes in your life that lead to joy.
* Avoid allowing fear to stop you from making changes.
* Joy tends to be on the other side of fear. Can you imagine how you'll feel when you finally take the class you've always wanted? Can you imagine how you'll feel when you switch careers to something you love?
* The change doesn't have to be huge. You can take small steps toward your dreams.
* Realize that your happiness depends on you. You can't expect your life to get better by doing nothing every day. So make a change to take you in the direction you wish to go.
2. Learn gratitude. It's easy to focus on the day-to-day stress and lose sight of the simple things that you're thankful for.
* Make a list or keep a journal of all the good things in your life. Review it each day. This will help you find peace and joy on a daily basis. You'll see that your life isn't made up of just negative moments.
* Your gratitude list can include ordinary things such as having a home, a bed, or a breakfast every morning. The key is to focus on the areas of your life that make you feel happy.
3. Make a happy board. Similar to a vision board, a happy board is filled with things that make you happy - right now - rather than goals that you're working toward.
* For example, if the beach is one of your favorite places, fill your happy board with images of beaches.
* You can make it on paper or design it online.
* The key is to use the space to add things that bring joy to your life. This can act as a manifesting agent and help you get more of the things you love.
4. Stop the flaw focus. One of the things that hurts your ability to have more joy is a focus on your flaws.
* This applies to both internal and external influences. If others are concentrating on your flaws, then it's time to move on and find new friends. Likewise, if you're paying too much attention to your own flaws, then it's time to change your mindset.
* Practice love and acceptance each day. Recognize your flaws without focusing on them.
5. Forgive yourself. You can't experience happiness if you're constantly blaming yourself and making yourself feel awful. It's important to learn how to forgive yourself to have joy.
* Learn to let go of the guilt and shame that has built up in your life. Negative situations come up for everyone. Consciously avoid dwelling on them.
* Practice forgiveness and stifle your inner critic for good. View forgiveness as a way to use self-care on a daily basis.
Joy doesn't have to be a fleeting moment you feel on occasion. Let joy be a bigger part of your daily existence. Use these strategies and enjoy your life.
How to Enjoy Retirement Even if You Have a Type A Personality
Preparing for retirement is a major transition for anyone, and it can be especially challenging if you have a Type A personality. You may find that your competitive drive and outgoing nature can work against you unless you channel those qualities in a positive direction.
After all, when you're used to managing others and having your identity tied up in your career, it can be disconcerting to discover that you're no longer in charge.
Try these tips for how to adjust your expectations and enjoy your new freedom.
Adjusting Your Pace:
1. Delay new commitments. It can be tempting to rush into new ventures now that you have so much free time. On the other hand, you'll probably make sounder decisions if you give yourself time to shift your priorities and weigh your options.
2. Practice relaxing. Lying in a hammock can be stressful for some individuals. Find relaxation practices that work for you, whether that means daily meditation or a demanding hobby.
3. Exit gradually. See if your employer is interested in phased retirement. Some professionals prefer to cut back on their hours and responsibilities before leaving the workplace permanently.
Redirecting Your Energies:
1. Volunteer your services. Use your time to support worthy causes. You may want to take on a leadership position that enables you to keep using your skills or experiment with new roles like tutoring children or growing vegetables.
2. Take classes. Increase your knowledge by taking courses online or auditing classes at your local university. Lifelong learning can help you to stay mentally sharp, and may even reduce your risk of dementia.
3. Create an encore career. Maybe you'll decide that you want to continue working after all. Embarking on a second career can be an opportunity to explore new interests while adding to your income.
4. Reconnect with family. Retirement can also give you a chance to catch up with loved ones if you used to spend a lot of hours at the office. Plan a family reunion or one-on-one time with your adult children.
5. Start downsizing. It may take longer than you think to sort through the possessions you've accumulated over the years. Weeding through your garage and closets now may spare your children the necessity of doing it for you someday. Plus, you could uncover items that can be sold or donated.
6. Travel. Now's the time to visit the places you've been dreaming about. Shop around for good deals so you can see the countries where your ancestors came from or go skiing in the Alps. If you're unsure where to start, browse online for ideas or ask friends and family for their recommendations.
7. Exercise regularly. Physical activity is invigorating. Buy a gym membership or take up a sport that will encourage you to spend more time outdoors.
Other Tips:
1. Consider your spouse. If you're married, retirement will be a big adjustment for your spouse too. Beware of the tendency to start bossing them around now that you no longer have employees reporting to you at work. Give each other some solitude on a regular basis so you can enjoy the extra hours you spend together.
2. Extend your network. Social interactions may be what you'll miss the most when you retire. Make new contacts by volunteering, joining groups, and throwing parties.
3. Try counseling. Talk with a professional if retirement seems overwhelming. A little support could change how you think about the later stages of your life.
Your retirement years can be happy and fulfilling if you devote your considerable energies to rethinking your purpose and staying engaged. As a Type A personality, you may find happiness learning to relax more or creating new challenges for yourself.
Increasing Your Happiness IQ Assessment
Check any that apply to you:
___ I look for the best in everyone.
___ I can find the ‘silver lining’ in most bad situations.
___ I give people the benefit of the doubt.
___ I generally see the glass as half full.
___ I can name three things I am grateful for most days.
___ I practice some form of spirituality or religion.
___ I believe that past hurts should remain in the past.
___ I try to forgive and forget, but learn from my experiences.
___ I do my best not to overthink things.
___ I take care of my physical needs regularly.
___ I have plenty of social support.
___ I reach out to others to connect (not only when I need something).
___ I am kind to people most of the time.
___ I know how to calm and soothe myself when needed.
___ I engage in things that I enjoy regularly.
___ If I offend or hurt someone, I make amends as soon as possible.
Count the number of check marks.
12 – 16 – Your happiness IQ is above average – good job!
7 – 11 – Your happiness IQ is average – let’s talk about how to raise your score.
Below 7 – Your happiness IQ is below average – contact me ASAP to discuss this.
How to Figure Out What You Want in Life
It’s a big decision. As far as we know, you only get one life. It’s only natural that you want to make the best of it. While the answer might come easily to a lucky few, most of us feel quite burdened and unsure about how to proceed. Many people are content to take whatever job pays the most. A few of us want more out of life.
You can have a life that is meaningful and manages to pay the bills on time each month. Give this issue the time it deserves but be sure to make a decision. Failing to choose can create more challenges than choosing the wrong thing.
Completing these steps will help you to find the life you were meant to lead:
1. Determine how hard you’re willing to work. For example, if you want to be a billionaire, it’s probably going to take a tremendous amount of work. But, maybe you’re the type of person that has a lot of hobbies and likes to spend evenings at home or with your friends. Are you willing to commit to the time required?
* Think about how much time you’re willing to work on something and ensure that the possibilities you consider fall within that limit.
2. Make a list of your values. Your values are an excellent starting point. Someone who values security and success will have a different life purpose than someone who favors family and fun above all else. Most people aren’t aware of their values because they’ve never thought about them.
* Make a list of every value you have, and then prioritize your list by placing the most important values at the top. Focus on the top 10. What you want to do with your life should support those values.
3. Think about your past. What did you like to do as a child? What did you want to become at that time? What have you enjoyed doing in the past? What did you find fun and exciting? You already know yourself quite well, and you have a lot of past data you can use to choose a fulfilling future.
4. What are your interests right now? What are you curious about? What would you like to spend your time learning and doing?
5. What are your strengths? What are you already good at? Could you build those strengths further and apply them to your life in a meaningful way?
6. How can you best contribute to the world? By answering this question, you will come up with ideas that are good for others and yourself. You’ll feel good about yourself if you’re helping others.
* Ask yourself how you can alleviate the most suffering in the world. Some people accomplish this by telling jokes on a stage or by fixing broken transmissions. How can you be most useful to the world?
7. What do you not like to do? Perhaps you hate the thought of working in an office environment. Or maybe you don’t like working long hours or working on teams. Think about jobs you’ve had in the past and what you didn’t like about them. Consider your list of dislikes before formulating a plan for the future.
Do you have any new ideas? Since you’ll be living the rest of your life for the rest of your life, take the time to figure out how you want to spend it. Ask yourself the important questions and consider what you like and don’t like. Understand your values and how you can incorporate them into your vision for the future.
Figure out what you want in life and then go live it.
Letting go of things beyond my control gives me peace.
My mission in life is to live with as much peace and contentment as possible. I am able to achieve that by being consistent with my choices. I focus on those things that I have some control over and let go of the rest.
The course of my life journey is dependent on my choices. But I am aware that things sometimes happen to alter the course that I choose to take.
Keeping myself mindful of this allows me to be accepting of how things unfold. Although I have my plans in place, I am open to making adjustments from time to time. This approach allows me to proceed without feeling burdened by the unexpected.
When my relationships change, I avoid feeling down by the new dynamic. I accept that each person who I cross paths with is meant to be in my life for a certain time.
I make the most of my time with others and do my part to ensure that our interactions are positive. At the end of each day, I am able to live with myself because of my commitment to living well with others.
As opportunities arise for me, I avoid questioning them. Acceptance leads to openness to newness and then on to great new adventures.
Today, my peace is deep-rooted because I commit to only concerning myself with things that I can control. It is wonderful to have a clear mind and a relaxed spirit, so I am able to enjoy my experiences as they come.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I ensure ongoing commitment to an attitude of acceptance?
2. What are some things that I often feel compelled to change?
3. How do I know when to continue pursuit of an opportunity?
There are beautiful things happening in my life.
My life amazes me on every level. I am fortunate, grateful, and happy. Each day brings something new and beautiful. I need beauty in order to thrive and I appreciate all the beauty in my life and my environment.
Each day I take one step closer to achieving my goals, dreams, and objectives. To watch my life grow and evolve makes me proud and excited. It is beautiful to watch any life expand and blossom.
I also enjoy watching the other people in my life change in positive ways.
Regardless of the season, there are beautiful things happening. I enjoy watching the leaves change color in the fall and the snow falling to the ground. The spring brings flowers and new leaves. The summer brings warmth and fun.
I can find beauty anywhere I choose to see it. Whether it is a mother duck leading her ducklings or a spider building a web, beauty abounds. A stranger helping another stranger is another example of beauty.
Any creative activity can be beautiful. Painting, acting, drawing, writing, and other forms of art create beauty. I can create something beautiful whenever I choose. I can be a creator of beauty.
Today, I seek and find beautiful things in my life. I appreciate beauty in all its forms. There are beautiful things happening in my life today.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are some of the beautiful things happening in my life right now?
2. What would happen if I chose to see more beauty each day?
3. What can I do to experience more beauty on a regular basis?
Your mood can fluctuate from week to week, day to day, or even hour to hour.
But, that doesn’t mean that your mood is outside of your control.
There’s plenty you can do to lift your negative mood and feel better very quickly.
Avoid believing that you’re a victim to the randomness of life.
When your mood is faltering, give it a quick and effective boost!
Try these ideas to boost your mood on command…
1. Sing
• You know that singing makes you feel better, so just let it out. Wait until you’re alone if you’re shy and let your voice go. Turn on your favorite song and sing along if that helps.
2. Dance
• Moving your body can change your mood. You can even dance while you sing. Every song you want to dance to is available for free on YouTube.
3. Watch a movie that inspires you or makes you laugh
• Movies are a great way to give your attitude a boost. Choose a movie that inspires you to take action or one that makes you smile. Both can have a positive impact on your mood.
4. Run
• Actually, any type of exercise will do. Work up a sweat in an activity that you enjoy, and you’ll feel better.
5. Walk
• Walking gets you out of the house, and a change of scenery can lead to a change in mood. Get out of your neighborhood if you want the maximum impact. You might even take a short drive to find a great walking location.
6. Go to a museum
• Whether you like art, science, or ancient history, the right museum can inspire you. Your problems seem to melt away when you can experience a concentrated environment of the world’s best and most interesting.
7. Go out with a friend
• Time spent with a good friend can definitely alter your mood for the better. Pick something fun to do and get together.
8. Read a good book
• Like music or a good movie, a good book can transport you to another place. To maximize the positive effect on your mood, find something that amuses or inspires you.
9. Have a delicious snack
• What’s the fastest way to boost your mood? Your favorite snack. Avoid sacrificing your health, but a bite of chocolate or another favorite is hard to beat.
10. Write
• Writing can help to flush any negative emotions and thoughts from your mind. Try it for 10 minutes and see how you feel.
11. Drink a big glass of water
• Interestingly, a drink of water can uplift your mood and energy levels. Most of us are at least a little dehydrated, so drink up.
12. Take a nap
• When your day is going badly, start it over with a nap. Research shows that naps boost mood and increase energy levels. Keep your naps short to avoid feeling groggy
13. Contemplate the good things in your life
• Refocus your attention on the positive aspects of your life. Make a list of the things you can feel good about and your current perspective will change for the better.
14. Play with a pet
• Pets are soothing. Their unwavering love brings sunshine to a cloudy day.
15. Take 10 deep breaths
• Stand up straight and take 10 deep breaths. You’ll feel a difference in your mood and outlook very quickly.
There are many ways to elevate your mood quickly and easily.
You don’t have to endure a bad mood until something good randomly happens to improve it.
You can boost your mood whenever you choose.
When you notice your mood begin to darken, turn your day around with one of these tips or other activities that you enjoy.
A Busy Person’s Guide to Making Your Life More Fulfilling
If your life isn’t as fulfilling as you’d like, you probably aren’t making fulfillment a high priority. To maximize anything in your life, whether it be your health, income, or fun, it has to be a priority.
You can restructure your life and make fulfillment one of your most important objectives. Fulfillment might be a lot closer than you realize!
Get more of what you want out of each day with these strategies:
1. Identify the things that bring you fulfillment. It’s hard to have a life overflowing with fulfillment if you don’t even know what makes you feel fulfilled. What do you currently find fulfilling in your life? What have you found fulfilling in the past? What other things do you believe you would find fulfilling?
2. Identify the things in your life that don’t bring fulfillment. What are you currently spending time on regularly that doesn’t really matter to you? Most of our days aren’t particularly fulfilling, so your list of things might be quite long.
◦ Pay special attention to those things that are optional. If they aren’t fulfilling, ask yourself why you do them.
3. Eliminate as many maintenance activities as possible. Most of our lives are filled with maintenance activities. These are things that are necessary to keep our lives on track, but don’t necessarily create positive change. These items take a lot of time and typically aren’t fulfilling to the vast majority of people.
◦ Maintenance tasks include items like shopping for food and clothes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and mowing the grass. These items need to be done, but they don’t necessarily need to be done by you.
◦ As your finances allow, consider paying others to do these tasks for you. Use the extra time to find something more fulfilling to do. Unless, of course, you find trimming your hedges fulfilling.
4. Scrap the unnecessary. Things you don’t need in your life take up time and space that could be better spent on other items and activities.
◦ Go through your house and your schedule and eliminate as many things as you can that you either don’t need or don’t love.
5. Make time each day for your passion. Everyone’s life gets shorter each day. Avoid believing that you’ll have time in the future to pursue your passions. Begin making time today for those meaningful activities and try to do them every single day.
6. Have goals for each day. Each day can be made more fulfilling just by making yourself feel like you made the most of it. Most people merely survive each day and have little to show for their time and effort. Have a plan for each day and strive to complete it. You’ll feel great at the end of the day.
7. Have longer term goals, too. Long-term goals are important, too. They provide an overall theme to your life. When your life is about something, and you’re diligently working toward it, you’ll feel more fulfilled. Most people lack short-term and long-term goals.
8. Surround yourself with the best people and avoid the worst. You’ll feel inspired, energized, and supported when you have great people in your life. You become a better version of yourself when you have wonderful people around you. Cut away the dead weight and make room for more great people.
To have more fulfillment, you must prioritize fulfillment. This simple fact escapes many people.
Does your life have a primary objective? Most people prioritize surviving, which is important, but rarely leads to fulfillment. Have a higher purpose and make your sense of fulfillment a daily goal. Make the most of each day.
Everything that happens is for my ultimate good.
I make the most of everything that happens to me. Whether it is something most people would consider to be positive or negative, I find a way to use it to my advantage.
I can take a negative situation and become more capable. I learn from my mistakes, errors, and bad luck. Everything can either make me stronger, teach me something, or both. Every situation has a hidden advantage that I can find and use.
I believe that each negative experience I face is designed to help me. It is a lesson created just for me and delivered at the perfect time. It is my responsibility to take the situation and extract the lesson from it.
Every experience is a gift when viewed in this manner. It is all for my ultimate good. I am grateful for all of my experiences.
By making the most of everything that happens, I am evolving into my best self. I become better from both my positive and negative experiences. I am determined to use everything that happens to me for my ultimate good.
Today, I am grateful for everything that happens in my life. I am accepting the good and the bad with open arms. I am enjoying the positive things that happen in my life today. I am using the negative things to my advantage. Everything that happens today is for my ultimate good.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What is the worst thing happening in my life right now? What can I learn or gain from it?
2. If I did the best I could with everything that appears to be negative in my life, what would happen?
3. How can I leverage the resources and circumstances in my life to be more successful?
Special relationships enhance my happiness.
Amidst a world in turmoil, my relationships make me happy and brighten dull days.
My most special relationships are the ones with my family members. They are valuable to me. Knowing that my loved ones are taken care of gives me a sense of contentment. They are the core of my support system.
It is good to know that I can rely on my family members without condition. My family is my built-in defense team whenever my back is against the wall.
I also hold a few close friends dear. Having people with similar interests, tastes, and values is essential to a happy life. I love being able to bounce ideas off them without fear of judgment or criticism.
When I hang out with my friends, the hours pass by quickly. It is easy to make the most memorable experience out of the simplest activities that we do together.
Being happy in my work environment is in part possible due to the colleagues that I work with. Although it is important to love what I do, I get comfort in my job when the environment is positive and collaborative.
I enjoy having co-workers who are creative and driven as I am. They inspire me to give of my best and get good results in return.
Today, I salute the special people in my life. Their influence and support are part of my overall happiness. I am grateful for the role they play without even knowing the extent of their impact.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How regularly do I take a friend’s advice into consideration?
2. How do I ensure my own happiness?
3. In what ways am I able to provide a good support system for my friends and family?
My heart fills with joy.
I feel happy and fulfilled. I make each day more joyful.
I cultivate mindfulness. I let go of judgements and broaden my perspective. I focus on the present moment instead of dwelling in the past or trying to predict the future.
I practice gratitude. I reflect upon the things that I am thankful for. I tell others how much they mean to me.
I meditate and pray. I honor my spiritual nature. My faith gives me comfort and encouragement.
I take care of my body and mind. I eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and go to bed early. Staying strong and fit helps me to manage stress and engage in the activities that I love.
I spend time with family and friends. I nurture close and supportive relationships. My family and friends encourage me to laugh and play. We share precious memories. We celebrate our victories and work through our struggles together.
I connect with nature. I notice the leaves changing colors and the sun shining through a cloud. I take time each day to walk or sit outdoors where I can feel the beauty and power that surround me.
I give generously. I share my money, time, and skills. I volunteer in my community and commit random acts of kindness.
Today, I choose to enjoy my life. I count my blessings and express my appreciation.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How does slowing down help me to feel more joyful?
2. What kind of music puts me in a happy mood?
3. How can I be joyful in spite of my difficulties?
What Does It Really Take to be Happy?
What do you need to be happy? Is it a big house? A great career? The freedom to do whatever you want? Of course, the requirements for happiness will vary from one person to another.
However, there are many things common to most happy people. Since we all want to be happy, researchers have been busy on the topic.
Opinions vary, but these things are likely to add to your happiness:
1. Relatively few things that detract from your happiness. It’s easier to be happy if there are only a few things to prevent you from being happy. Just like it’s easier to get from Point A to Point B if there are few obstacles in your way.
◦ A good first step for increasing the amount of happiness in your life is to remove as many things as you can from your life that are making you unhappy.
◦ You don’t need a lot in order to feel happy, if you can minimize those things that detract from your happiness. If you need a lot to be happy, there are probably a lot of things in your life detracting from your happiness.
2. Control. You’ll struggle to be happy if you believe that you don’t have control over your life. People that feel powerless also tend to be unhappy. Regardless of your situation, there are things you could be controlling in your life but aren’t.
◦ Strive to build a life that gives you as much control as possible. For example, having financial resources provides a lot of control.
◦ Having a good social circle also provides a lot of options.
◦ Minimizing your dependence on others also gives you more control over your life.
3. Progress. Happy people are making progress in their lives. When you have a goal and make progress toward that goal, you’re going to feel pretty good.
◦ Life is dull when it stays the same. Life feels terrible when you’re losing ground. If you have a few goals and take steps to achieve them, you’re going to be happier.
4. A purpose. Having a purpose increases the amount of meaning in your life. The average person has never considered their purpose. That’s why their life is average.
◦ Take some time to consider the purpose of your life. You’re free to choose whatever you like. When you begin living with your purpose as a priority, you’ll experience more happiness.
◦ Your purpose could be living the most adventurous life possible, to master the piano, or to become a movie star. What do you want your life to be about?
5. People. There might be a few people that can truly be happy living a solitary life, but there aren’t many. Some people do well with a smaller, more intimate social circle. Others do well with a large social circle.
◦ But, it’s hard to be happy when you’re all alone. If you don’t have a couple of good friends, it’s worth the time to work on that part of your life.
6. Feeling needed. There are many ways to feel needed. Having children, volunteering, or even having a pet are great ways to feel that you have value to the world. When you feel needed, and you’re able to fulfill those needs, the level of happiness you experience in your life will increase.
If you had all of these things, would you be happier? What else do you think you would need?
Happiness seems to be elusive. You can’t just acquire happiness the way you would a slim waistline or a Bentley. Happiness arises from other things and situations. Think about what you need to be happy and make it happen!
I love waking up in the morning.
I greet each day with hope and enthusiasm.
The early hours set the tone for the day. I think positive thoughts and remember my strengths. I feel strong and energetic. I look at others with kindness and respect. I give thanks for my family, friends, and coworkers.
I meditate and pray. I turn to my faith for insights and wisdom. I treat each day as a precious gift.
I move my body. I go for a run on the treadmill or practice Tai Chi in the park. I stretch my muscles and strengthen my core.
I eat a nutritious breakfast. I fuel up on protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. I eat an omelet with spinach and mushrooms or drink a protein smoothie with Greek yogurt and berries.
I plan out my time. I clarify my priorities and focus my time and effort on the activities that are meaningful to me. I schedule refreshing breaks to restore my energy and collect my thoughts.
I start preparing the night before. I avoid rushing in the morning by getting an early start. I lay out my clothing and put my briefcase by the front door. I check to see that my children complete their homework and pack their school bags.
Today, I treasure the early morning hours. I set goals and take action. Each day is a fresh opportunity to learn and grow.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are the major advantages of being a morning person?
2. How can I make my morning commute more productive and enjoyable?
3. What is one thing I can do to express my love for others and myself this morning?
How to Turn a Bad Day Into an Amazing Day
Have you ever had a bad day and decided to throw in the towel? A bad day can make you feel like giving up and waiting for tomorrow to come. However, a bad day can be saved. You really don’t get that many days over the course of a lifetime, so make the most of each day.
With some effort and a little mental toughness, a bad day can be turned into a good day.
Learn to make a good day out of a bad day with these strategies:
1. Relax. Sure, your day is off to a terrible start, but it’s not over just yet. The first step is to take a deep breath and relax. Slow down your heart rate, think a few positive thoughts, and regain your composure. Put yourself in the right frame of mind to salvage the remainder of the day.
2. Accomplish something. Get one little thing accomplished that you can check off your list. If you’re at home, make your bed or clean the kitchen counters. If you’re at work, send that email you’ve been avoiding. Give yourself a small success and a little momentum.
3. Call a friend. Call a friend and share your bad day. You want to call someone that will be encouraging. Avoid calling someone that will do more harm than good.
4. Make a plan for the remainder of the day. If you want to salvage the day, you need a plan. Look at the time you have left in the day and decide what’s most important to accomplish. Make a reasonable plan to get the most important things completed before the day is over.
5. Be grateful. Gratitude can reset your attitude. When you feel grateful, you have a better perspective and can be more productive. You feel less hopeless when you experience gratitude.
6. Get some exercise. A bad day can create a lot of negative emotions. Those emotions create a lot of energy that needs to be burned off. Exercise is a great way to move toward feeling normal again. You can make wiser decisions when you’re less emotionally stimulated.
7. Be proud of yourself for turning your day around. Allow yourself to feel proud as soon as you make even a tiny bit of progress. This will provide a well-needed boost to your mood, self-esteem, and progress.
8. Determine how you contributed to having a bad day. Some bad days are just random events, but others are not. Consider the origin of your bad day and brainstorm ways of preventing a repeat occurrence. Not all bad days can be prevented, but many can.
9. Make a plan for tomorrow. Choose to make the most of tomorrow. You might have some catching up to do. Or, you might need to plan a night on the town with a few friends. Make up for having a bad day by having a magnificent day.
10. Get a good night of sleep. You survived! Do your best to recharge your batteries and prepare for tomorrow. Hopefully, tomorrow will be much better. You’ll certainly feel better after a good night of rest.
Bad days will happen, but you don’t have to give up and pray for tomorrow to arrive. You can turn your bad day around and have a great day.
If your day is off to a bad start, be determined to still get as much from that day as you can. This is a valuable skill for anyone to master. Clear your head, relax, and make a plan for the rest of your day.
My heart fills with joy.
I feel happy and fulfilled. I make each day more joyful.
I cultivate mindfulness. I let go of judgements and broaden my perspective. I focus on the present moment instead of dwelling in the past or trying to predict the future.
I practice gratitude. I reflect upon the things that I am thankful for. I tell others how much they mean to me.
I meditate and pray. I honor my spiritual nature. My faith gives me comfort and encouragement.
I take care of my body and mind. I eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and go to bed early. Staying strong and fit helps me to manage stress and engage in the activities that I love.
I spend time with family and friends. I nurture close and supportive relationships. My family and friends encourage me to laugh and play. We share precious memories. We celebrate our victories and work through our struggles together.
I connect with nature. I notice the leaves changing colors and the sun shining through a cloud. I take time each day to walk or sit outdoors where I can feel the beauty and power that surround me.
I give generously. I share my money, time, and skills. I volunteer in my community and commit random acts of kindness.
Today, I choose to enjoy my life. I count my blessings and express my appreciation.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How does slowing down help me to feel more joyful?
2. What kind of music puts me in a happy mood?
3. How can I be joyful in spite of my difficulties?
Finding Joy in the Simplicity of Life
Since when did life get so complicated? What happened to the days of running wild and not having to worry about anything? Even as we’ve gotten older, it’s still fun to remember the good old days and the simplicity of life.
But truth be told, you can still have that feeling. With some daily effort, your life can be balanced between joy and simplicity.
What most people don’t realize is that their daily stressful lives are stressful because of themselves. They’ve booked themselves solid, ran themselves ragged, and planned too many “to-dos” to keep up.
Even though this might be you, you don’t have to accept it as your fate.
You can easily change your daily path and get back to the basic simplicities of life with just a few small changes.
Why spend your days catering to others when you can find your own joy first? Stop the madness of running yourself ragged and do yourself a favor.
Slow down and savor every single moment with these strategies:
1. Stop putting yourself on the backburner. Do you spend your time doing things for others and not doing anything for yourself?
● For just a few moments per day, do what you need to do for you. Smile at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself that you matter, and start off your day with your thoughts and feelings in mind.
2. Slow down and smell the roses. This means physically and mentally. It’s important to avoid rushing through your day and missing out on all the little moments in life.
● The moment that you stop rushing and start appreciating, you’ll begin to notice all the things that you’ve missed throughout the day. There are so many great things that you’re missing out on.
3. Read a book just for fun. Sometimes being an adult means that you have to read books and articles that you just don’t want to read.
● Instead, head to the local library and pick out a stack of books or magazines that you actually want to read. When you have a book in hand that you’re crazy about, reading becomes a whole new world.
4. Expand your family with a puppy. Having a puppy is a great way to have a loving animal greet you daily and make you feel as though everything you do is perfect. Plus, puppies give some of the best snuggles and kisses, too.
● If dogs are not your favorite, having a different pet can also bring many moments of simple joy to your life.
5. Allow yourself to say no. When you spend all day saying yes to others, it leaves nothing in your reserves left over for you. The time is now to start saying no and supporting your own needs.
● Your family and friends will get over this change and will actually more than likely understand.
Finding joy doesn’t have to take a ton of effort or time. You can easily make your life a better place with just a few simple changes.
Start by understanding what you’re missing in your life and then start factoring in the things that you need and want from there. Once you get a good grasp on it, you’re going to find self-love and happiness easily.
Allow yourself to fall in love with the idea that life is simple and wonderful. Your life holds so much joy if you let yourself see it.
I live a life that is free of regret.
I may make mistakes, but my life is free of regrets. I live my life on my own terms. I make decisions that take full advantage of my time on Earth. I spend my time and energy on the things and people that are most important to me.
I live my life boldly and take risks when necessary to ensure that I am free of regret. I would prefer to make a bad choice or two than to regret the things I failed to do.
I have a list of things I want to do and places I want to see. Each day, I spend some time taking action to ensure that these things happen. Even a little step each day adds up over time.
I am making great progress on checking off the items on these lists. I am happy with my progress so far. When I think of the items on these lists, I feel excited and motivated.
If I happen to feel regret over something I have done, I examine the situation and determine why I feel regret. I avoid making a similar mistake in the future.
Once I have learned from a mistake, and done what I can to counter its effects, I refuse to dwell on that mistake for another second.
Today, I live my life to the best of my ability. I make decisions that minimize the likelihood of feeling regret. I live a life free of regret.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What has been my greatest regret? Was it something I did or something I failed to do?
2. Do I still allow my greatest regret to bother me? Why?
3. What can I do to minimize my chances of feeling regret?
A Busy Person’s Guide to Making Your Life More Fulfilling
If your life isn’t as fulfilling as you’d like, you probably aren’t making fulfillment a high priority. To maximize anything in your life, whether it be your health, income, or fun, it has to be a priority.
You can restructure your life and make fulfillment one of your most important objectives. Fulfillment might be a lot closer than you realize!
Get more of what you want out of each day with these strategies:
1. Identify the things that bring you fulfillment. It’s hard to have a life overflowing with fulfillment if you don’t even know what makes you feel fulfilled. What do you currently find fulfilling in your life? What have you found fulfilling in the past? What other things do you believe you would find fulfilling?
2. Identify the things in your life that don’t bring fulfillment. What are you currently spending time on regularly that doesn’t really matter to you? Most of our days aren’t particularly fulfilling, so your list of things might be quite long.
◦ Pay special attention to those things that are optional. If they aren’t fulfilling, ask yourself why you do them.
3. Eliminate as many maintenance activities as possible. Most of our lives are filled with maintenance activities. These are things that are necessary to keep our lives on track, but don’t necessarily create positive change. These items take a lot of time and typically aren’t fulfilling to the vast majority of people.
◦ Maintenance tasks include items like shopping for food and clothes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and mowing the grass. These items need to be done, but they don’t necessarily need to be done by you.
◦ As your finances allow, consider paying others to do these tasks for you. Use the extra time to find something more fulfilling to do. Unless, of course, you find trimming your hedges fulfilling.
4. Scrap the unnecessary. Things you don’t need in your life take up time and space that could be better spent on other items and activities.
◦ Go through your house and your schedule and eliminate as many things as you can that you either don’t need or don’t love.
5. Make time each day for your passion. Everyone’s life gets shorter each day. Avoid believing that you’ll have time in the future to pursue your passions. Begin making time today for those meaningful activities and try to do them every single day.
6. Have goals for each day. Each day can be made more fulfilling just by making yourself feel like you made the most of it. Most people merely survive each day and have little to show for their time and effort. Have a plan for each day and strive to complete it. You’ll feel great at the end of the day.
7. Have longer term goals, too. Long-term goals are important, too. They provide an overall theme to your life. When your life is about something, and you’re diligently working toward it, you’ll feel more fulfilled. Most people lack short-term and long-term goals.
8. Surround yourself with the best people and avoid the worst. You’ll feel inspired, energized, and supported when you have great people in your life. You become a better version of yourself when you have wonderful people around you. Cut away the dead weight and make room for more great people.
To have more fulfillment, you must prioritize fulfillment. This simple fact escapes many people.
Does your life have a primary objective? Most people prioritize surviving, which is important, but rarely leads to fulfillment. Have a higher purpose and make your sense of fulfillment a daily goal. Make the most of each day.
Try a 30-Day Happiness Challenge
Happiness is your natural state. You don’t need anything in order to be happy, but there are things that can prevent your happiness from shining through.
Most of us develop bad habits that block the experience of happiness. With a little bit of work, you can reprogram yourself to eliminate many of those things that limit your happiness.
Can you actually train yourself to be happier in just 30 days? Let’s find out!
Try these strategies:
1. Keep a gratitude diary. Each day for the next 30 days, list 10 things that make you feel grateful. The challenging part is that each day must have 10 unique items! No repeats.
◦ Try to do this early in the day. You’ll find that it puts you in a great frame of mind for the rest of the day.
2. Spend 10 minutes visualizing your ideal future. It’s nice to have something pleasant to look forward to. So, spend a few minutes each day visualizing what you want your life to be.
◦ Be reasonable. You might dream of being 6-inches taller and marrying your favorite actor, but let’s be realistic. Shoot for something that’s appealing but within the realm of possibility.
3. Set a small goal that can be accomplished in 30 days and spend at least 10 minutes each day working toward it. Set a 30-day goal that’s meaningful to you. Make yourself spend a few minutes working toward that goal each and every day. A few examples include:
◦ Losing 10 pounds.
◦ Redoing all of your landscaping.
◦ Cleaning out the basement.
◦ Writing 15 pages for your book.
◦ Meditating each day for 30 days.
4. Give at least two compliments each day. Give yourself and another person each one compliment each day. Feel free to give more. You’ll feel good about yourself for making someone else feel good. And you’ll be making yourself feel good, too, in the process.
5. Catch and stop all negative thoughts. Has lingering on your negative thoughts ever helped you? Of course not. Catch yourself when you’re dwelling on a negative thought and think about something else instead.
6. Focus on solutions instead of problems. Everyone has challenges. Stopping your negative thoughts doesn’t mean ignoring your issues. Instead, recognize that there are things in your life that need to be addressed and focus on resolving them, rather than worrying about them.
◦ For 30 days, give up worrying and focus on solving. Your life will improve dramatically and so will your attitude.
7. Eliminate sugar from your diet. For just 30 days, give up all foods with added sugar. You can expect to feel worse for a few days, but you’ll be happy with how you feel by the end of the month.
8. Create a list of 30 things you can do over the 30 days. Have something planned for each day for the next month. These are little, or big, things you can do that will increase your happiness. A few examples include:
◦ Calling your college roommate.
◦ Meeting an old friend for lunch.
◦ Trying a new restaurant.
◦ Reading an inspiring book.
◦ Watching your favorite movie.
Happiness doesn’t have to be elusive. In our endeavor to find happiness, we often focus on the wrong things and ignore the right things. We have too many negative thoughts and spend too much time thinking about the past and the future. We end up training ourselves to be unhappy, instead.
What Does It Really Take to be Happy?
What do you need to be happy? Is it a big house? A great career? The freedom to do whatever you want? Of course, the requirements for happiness will vary from one person to another.
However, there are many things common to most happy people. Since we all want to be happy, researchers have been busy on the topic.
Opinions vary, but these things are likely to add to your happiness:
1. Relatively few things that detract from your happiness. It’s easier to be happy if there are only a few things to prevent you from being happy. Just like it’s easier to get from Point A to Point B if there are few obstacles in your way.
◦ A good first step for increasing the amount of happiness in your life is to remove as many things as you can from your life that are making you unhappy.
◦ You don’t need a lot in order to feel happy, if you can minimize those things that detract from your happiness. If you need a lot to be happy, there are probably a lot of things in your life detracting from your happiness.
2. Control. You’ll struggle to be happy if you believe that you don’t have control over your life. People that feel powerless also tend to be unhappy. Regardless of your situation, there are things you could be controlling in your life but aren’t.
◦ Strive to build a life that gives you as much control as possible. For example, having financial resources provides a lot of control.
◦ Having a good social circle also provides a lot of options.
◦ Minimizing your dependence on others also gives you more control over your life.
3. Progress. Happy people are making progress in their lives. When you have a goal and make progress toward that goal, you’re going to feel pretty good.
◦ Life is dull when it stays the same. Life feels terrible when you’re losing ground. If you have a few goals and take steps to achieve them, you’re going to be happier.
4. A purpose. Having a purpose increases the amount of meaning in your life. The average person has never considered their purpose. That’s why their life is average.
◦ Take some time to consider the purpose of your life. You’re free to choose whatever you like. When you begin living with your purpose as a priority, you’ll experience more happiness.
◦ Your purpose could be living the most adventurous life possible, to master the piano, or to become a movie star. What do you want your life to be about?
5. People. There might be a few people that can truly be happy living a solitary life, but there aren’t many. Some people do well with a smaller, more intimate social circle. Others do well with a large social circle.
◦ But, it’s hard to be happy when you’re all alone. If you don’t have a couple of good friends, it’s worth the time to work on that part of your life.
6. Feeling needed. There are many ways to feel needed. Having children, volunteering, or even having a pet are great ways to feel that you have value to the world. When you feel needed, and you’re able to fulfill those needs, the level of happiness you experience in your life will increase.
If you had all of these things, would you be happier? What else do you think you would need?
Happiness seems to be elusive. You can’t just acquire happiness the way you would a slim waistline or a Bentley. Happiness arises from other things and situations. Think about what you need to be happy and make it happen!
Wouldn’t you rather train yourself to be happy? You can do this! Give yourself 30 days to prove it to yourself. You can feel different in a month!
I love waking up in the morning.
I greet each day with hope and enthusiasm.
The early hours set the tone for the day. I think positive thoughts and remember my strengths. I feel strong and energetic. I look at others with kindness and respect. I give thanks for my family, friends, and coworkers.
I meditate and pray. I turn to my faith for insights and wisdom. I treat each day as a precious gift.
I move my body. I go for a run on the treadmill or practice Tai Chi in the park. I stretch my muscles and strengthen my core.
I eat a nutritious breakfast. I fuel up on protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. I eat an omelet with spinach and mushrooms or drink a protein smoothie with Greek yogurt and berries.
I plan out my time. I clarify my priorities and focus my time and effort on the activities that are meaningful to me. I schedule refreshing breaks to restore my energy and collect my thoughts.
I start preparing the night before. I avoid rushing in the morning by getting an early start. I lay out my clothing and put my briefcase by the front door. I check to see that my children complete their homework and pack their school bags.
Today, I treasure the early morning hours. I set goals and take action. Each day is a fresh opportunity to learn and grow.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are the major advantages of being a morning person?
2. How can I make my morning commute more productive and enjoyable?
3. What is one thing I can do to express my love for others and myself this morning?
How to Turn a Bad Day Into an Amazing Day
Have you ever had a bad day and decided to throw in the towel? A bad day can make you feel like giving up and waiting for tomorrow to come. However, a bad day can be saved. You really don’t get that many days over the course of a lifetime, so make the most of each day.
With some effort and a little mental toughness, a bad day can be turned into a good day.
Learn to make a good day out of a bad day with these strategies:
1. Relax. Sure, your day is off to a terrible start, but it’s not over just yet. The first step is to take a deep breath and relax. Slow down your heart rate, think a few positive thoughts, and regain your composure. Put yourself in the right frame of mind to salvage the remainder of the day.
2. Accomplish something. Get one little thing accomplished that you can check off your list. If you’re at home, make your bed or clean the kitchen counters. If you’re at work, send that email you’ve been avoiding. Give yourself a small success and a little momentum.
3. Call a friend. Call a friend and share your bad day. You want to call someone that will be encouraging. Avoid calling someone that will do more harm than good.
4. Make a plan for the remainder of the day. If you want to salvage the day, you need a plan. Look at the time you have left in the day and decide what’s most important to accomplish. Make a reasonable plan to get the most important things completed before the day is over.
5. Be grateful. Gratitude can reset your attitude. When you feel grateful, you have a better perspective and can be more productive. You feel less hopeless when you experience gratitude.
6. Get some exercise. A bad day can create a lot of negative emotions. Those emotions create a lot of energy that needs to be burned off. Exercise is a great way to move toward feeling normal again. You can make wiser decisions when you’re less emotionally stimulated.
7. Be proud of yourself for turning your day around. Allow yourself to feel proud as soon as you make even a tiny bit of progress. This will provide a well-needed boost to your mood, self-esteem, and progress.
8. Determine how you contributed to having a bad day. Some bad days are just random events, but others are not. Consider the origin of your bad day and brainstorm ways of preventing a repeat occurrence. Not all bad days can be prevented, but many can.
9. Make a plan for tomorrow. Choose to make the most of tomorrow. You might have some catching up to do. Or, you might need to plan a night on the town with a few friends. Make up for having a bad day by having a magnificent day.
10. Get a good night of sleep. You survived! Do your best to recharge your batteries and prepare for tomorrow. Hopefully, tomorrow will be much better. You’ll certainly feel better after a good night of rest.
Bad days will happen, but you don’t have to give up and pray for tomorrow to arrive. You can turn your bad day around and have a great day.
If your day is off to a bad start, be determined to still get as much from that day as you can. This is a valuable skill for anyone to master. Clear your head, relax, and make a plan for the rest of your day.
My heart fills with joy.
I feel happy and fulfilled. I make each day more joyful.
I cultivate mindfulness. I let go of judgements and broaden my perspective. I focus on the present moment instead of dwelling in the past or trying to predict the future.
I practice gratitude. I reflect upon the things that I am thankful for. I tell others how much they mean to me.
I meditate and pray. I honor my spiritual nature. My faith gives me comfort and encouragement.
I take care of my body and mind. I eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and go to bed early. Staying strong and fit helps me to manage stress and engage in the activities that I love.
I spend time with family and friends. I nurture close and supportive relationships. My family and friends encourage me to laugh and play. We share precious memories. We celebrate our victories and work through our struggles together.
I connect with nature. I notice the leaves changing colors and the sun shining through a cloud. I take time each day to walk or sit outdoors where I can feel the beauty and power that surround me.
I give generously. I share my money, time, and skills. I volunteer in my community and commit random acts of kindness.
Today, I choose to enjoy my life. I count my blessings and express my appreciation.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How does slowing down help me to feel more joyful?
2. What kind of music puts me in a happy mood?
3. How can I be joyful in spite of my difficulties?
6 Things You Can Do To Develop Self-Compassion and Live Fully
Do you want to free yourself from old tension and dive into your life without fear? Do you want to come to a place of deep self-acceptance and self-compassion?
By practicing these new habits, you can come to complete self-compassion and gratitude for your life. You will find yourself reaching for and living your very best life.
1. Clear out all areas of doubt in your life.
• Start by examining the areas of doubt in your life.
• Choose to clear out that doubt by taking positive action.
• Observe the way you speak to yourself and adjust your self-talk to be self compassionate rather than self-critical.
2. Avoid overthinking.
• If you continue to ruminate on the past, you will not be able to be fully present.
• Let go of regrets by learning from them, forgiving yourself, and moving forward in a positive way.
• Let go of that little nagging voice that tells you negative things.
• Move past social fear by practicing in-the-moment coping skills and open mindedness.
3. Explore your community.
• Get involved with the world around you by partaking in activities around your community.
• Remain authentic by continuing self-compassion and allowing yourself to gain inspiration from the world around you.
4. Remain grounded in the present moment.
• Use mindfulness to bring your awareness to the present moment.
• Mindfulness will help your self-compassion practice grow because self compassion comes about in the present moment.
5. Release what holds you back.
• Let go of the resentment that you’ve held onto for years. Do forgiveness exercises to forgive these people and move on in a place of compassion.
• Let go of the fears that keep you from taking risks and embracing your life fully.
• Remove yourself from negative people by setting clear boundaries and sticking to them.
• Let go of your past self.
6. Hold onto what takes you forward.
• Having a set of values will help direct your life toward a path that leads in the direction you want to live.
• Set goals to help you move forward, even if just a little bit, each day. • Get curious about spirituality and allow it to give you security and comfort.
• Embrace your greatness. Acknowledge how wonderful you are. Appreciate your true self and your life.
My heart is joyful.
I am happy and calm. I think positive. I look on the bright side in challenging situations. I believe in myself and my abilities. My self-talk is kind and compassionate.
I cultivate gratitude. I live mindfully and notice small miracles. I keep a journal to remind myself of my blessings. I express my thanks and let others know when they make a difference in my life.
I set goals and work towards them consistently. My life has purpose and meaning. My actions align with my values. I am motivated to overcome obstacles and continue learning.
I surround myself with family and friends who care about me. Connecting with loved ones helps me to feel nourished and secure.
I keep my mind and body strong and fit. I eat a wholesome diet and exercise regularly. I manage stress and get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
I create opportunities to laugh and play. Having fun is a priority for me.
I practice my faith. Through meditation and prayer, I discover what makes me happy. Inspirational readings and spiritual friends provide me with guidance and support.
I give generously. Sharing my resources with others makes my own life richer. I volunteer in my community and donate to worthy causes. I reach out to others, so I can listen to their stories and offer constructive feedback and practical assistance.
Today, I recognize that true happiness comes from within. I listen to my heart and embrace the joy that is available to me each moment.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What does happiness mean to me?
2. How has my definition of happiness changed over the years?
3. What is one thing I can count on to make me smile?
Finding Joy in the Simplicity of Life
Since when did life get so complicated? What happened to the days of running wild and not having to worry about anything? Even as we’ve gotten older, it’s still fun to remember the good old days and the simplicity of life.
But truth be told, you can still have that feeling. With some daily effort, your life can be balanced between joy and simplicity.
What most people don’t realize is that their daily stressful lives are stressful because of themselves. They’ve booked themselves solid, ran themselves ragged, and planned too many “to-dos” to keep up.
Even though this might be you, you don’t have to accept it as your fate.
You can easily change your daily path and get back to the basic simplicities of life with just a few small changes.
Why spend your days catering to others when you can find your own joy first? Stop the madness of running yourself ragged and do yourself a favor.
Slow down and savor every single moment with these strategies:
1. Stop putting yourself on the backburner. Do you spend your time doing things for others and not doing anything for yourself?
● For just a few moments per day, do what you need to do for you. Smile at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself that you matter, and start off your day with your thoughts and feelings in mind.
2. Slow down and smell the roses. This means physically and mentally. It’s important to avoid rushing through your day and missing out on all the little moments in life.
● The moment that you stop rushing and start appreciating, you’ll begin to notice all the things that you’ve missed throughout the day. There are so many great things that you’re missing out on.
3. Read a book just for fun. Sometimes being an adult means that you have to read books and articles that you just don’t want to read.
● Instead, head to the local library and pick out a stack of books or magazines that you actually want to read. When you have a book in hand that you’re crazy about, reading becomes a whole new world.
4. Expand your family with a puppy. Having a puppy is a great way to have a loving animal greet you daily and make you feel as though everything you do is perfect. Plus, puppies give some of the best snuggles and kisses, too.
● If dogs are not your favorite, having a different pet can also bring many moments of simple joy to your life.
5. Allow yourself to say no. When you spend all day saying yes to others, it leaves nothing in your reserves left over for you. The time is now to start saying no and supporting your own needs.
● Your family and friends will get over this change and will actually more than likely understand.
Finding joy doesn’t have to take a ton of effort or time. You can easily make your life a better place with just a few simple changes.
Start by understanding what you’re missing in your life and then start factoring in the things that you need and want from there. Once you get a good grasp on it, you’re going to find self-love and happiness easily.
Allow yourself to fall in love with the idea that life is simple and wonderful. Your life holds so much joy if you let yourself see it.
The Many Benefits of Solitude
While no one wants to feel lonely, there are many benefits to spending time alone. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, struggling to concentrate, or just need some time to yourself, a little solitude might be just what you need.
Even if you live in a big city, there are ways to carve out some time to yourself without the presence of others.
Everyone would be well-served to have some time alone each day.
Solitude is better than you think! Consider these benefits:
1. You learn a lot about yourself. It’s hard to give yourself a lot of attention and notice the more subtle aspects of yourself when there are other people and activity swirling around you all day long. Spending time alone gives you a chance to breathe and take a look at yourself.
● You have the luxury of noticing your thoughts and thought patterns when you’re alone. You can observe things about yourself that are hard to see when you’re distracted.
2. It’s much easier to focus. Solitude leads to much greater focus. Imagine having hours of uninterrupted time to focus on a single task or goal. It’s life-altering.
3. Your creativity will soar. Nearly all of the greatest scientists, authors, artists, composers, musicians, and inventors live in solitude much of the time. Solitude can enable you to achieve the level of creativity necessary to excel in these fields.
4. You’re more productive. You can get a lot more done when you spend time in solitude. Every distraction requires time and energy to recover and get back on track.
● You can often accomplish much more in a couple of hours by yourself than you can in a full day with others around.
5. You can focus on yourself and your needs. Solitude gives you the opportunity to take care of yourself. You can explore your interests. You can spend your time on yourself. If there are other people around, they usually want you to spend your time on them instead.
6. Solitude can benefit your mental health. Spending some time alone on a regular basis can do wonders for your mental health. Being alone gives you a chance to unwind and take a break from the stress of dealing with others.
How to Create Solitude
It’s not necessary to live in the wilderness to create solitude each day.
Try these easy strategies:
1. Shut your door. Getting some alone time can be as simple as hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign and shutting your door. You don’t have to seclude yourself on a mountain top to enjoy some solitude.
2. Turn off your phone. Turn off your cell phone if you’re truly interested in getting a break.
3. Eat alone. If you don’t have an office at work, perhaps you can enjoy a little escape during lunch. Eating alone can be a time of peace and relaxation.
4. Make the most of your weekends. The weekend can be a great time to schedule some time by yourself. Visit the park, sit on your deck, take a long walk, or just at home alone.
5. Take a trip. If necessary, get out of town for a few days and seclude yourself. Many authors use this tactic to finish a book.
Solitude is great for your mind, body, and spirit!
While the idea of solitude might give you visions of someone living in a cabin in the wilderness, it’s possible to create solitude nearly anywhere.
Spend a little time alone each day and see what happens to your mood and your work. You’ll soon look forward to your period of solitude each day.
I live a life that is free of regret.
I may make mistakes, but my life is free of regrets. I live my life on my own terms. I make decisions that take full advantage of my time on Earth. I spend my time and energy on the things and people that are most important to me.
I live my life boldly and take risks when necessary to ensure that I am free of regret. I would prefer to make a bad choice or two than to regret the things I failed to do.
I have a list of things I want to do and places I want to see. Each day, I spend some time taking action to ensure that these things happen. Even a little step each day adds up over time.
I am making great progress on checking off the items on these lists. I am happy with my progress so far. When I think of the items on these lists, I feel excited and motivated.
If I happen to feel regret over something I have done, I examine the situation and determine why I feel regret. I avoid making a similar mistake in the future.
Once I have learned from a mistake, and done what I can to counter its effects, I refuse to dwell on that mistake for another second.
Today, I live my life to the best of my ability. I make decisions that minimize the likelihood of feeling regret. I live a life free of regret.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What has been my greatest regret? Was it something I did or something I failed to do?
2. Do I still allow my greatest regret to bother me? Why?
3. What can I do to minimize my chances of feeling regret?
I am living a life that is fulfilling to me.
I am living the life I am supposed to live. I have chosen the right path for me. Each day, I make choices that keep me from going astray and ensure that I stay on that path, because it allows me to live a life that pleases me.
I am confident that I am living according to my personal goals, preferences, and values. I am living the life I choose to live, rather than the life others want me to live.
I feel fulfilled at the end of each day. I spend each day doing what needs to be done. I accomplish my priorities and then take some time for myself. I wind down the day pleasantly as I relax and reflect.
I go to bed each night knowing that I had a great day. When I close my eyes, I am overcome with a feeling of fulfillment. I sleep like a baby each night because I am living the ideal life for me.
I enjoy my career. My work pays well and fills me with pride. The work I do is pleasing to me. I am grateful for my job.
I have wonderful friends and family. My relationships are satisfying and enjoyable. I am able to give and receive the love I need. I am well supported and respected within my family and social circle.
Today, I am looking forward to another wonderful day. I expect today to be even more fulfilling than yesterday. I am living the most fulfilling day I possibly can today.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What is my life lacking? How can I satisfy that need most effectively and efficiently?
2. How would my life change if I felt more fulfilled each day?
3. What would be the perfect day for me? How close am I to living that day?
I boost my happiness by appreciating the little things in life.
The little things in life often bring me the greatest joy and happiness. I understand what is most important in life and I choose to focus on these small things. As a result, I experience joy throughout my day.
The little things in life are always available to me. I can be happy and content even if I am lacking in material wealth. Happiness is available to everyone.
The best things in life are simple and free.
While big purchases, trips, and special occasions are a blessing, these are short-lived experiences. The little things in life are with me each minute of every day.
When I find myself unhappy, I remember all the simple things I have in my life that bring me joy. These things all around me.
All I have to do to uplift my mood at any time is to think of the joyous, simple things in life and open my eyes.
I am quickly reminded of all the reasons I have to smile.
Today, I let go of my need for big purchases and achievements to make me happy. I embrace the fact that there are many small things in my life that bring me tremendous happiness. I am focusing on those small things today.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are some simple things that bring me joy? How can I use this information to feel happier each day?
2. When and where am I most likely to be unhappy? What are some convenient little things I can appreciate at these times and locations?
3. Who brings me happiness in my life? What do I most enjoy doing with them?
Spontaneity - A Delectable Spice of Life: How You Can Get More of It
Most of us are creatures of habit who like to create routines for ourselves and stick with them. These routines can be helpful in some ways as they enable us to get things done. However, too much routine can leave you feeling like there certainly must be something more to life, wondering what it is, and how you can add it to your own life.
Becoming more spontaneous will add spice and adventure to your life and help you to leave boredom behind.
Luckily, there are some easy things you can do to add spontaneity to your life on a regular basis.
Get more out of life! Use these strategies to become more spontaneous:
1. Try things that you think you can’t do. You likely have a lot of limiting beliefs, most of which came with you from your childhood. What if you really could do those things? Wouldn’t that please you? Try some! You’ll find a freedom that you never knew you had!
2. Look at the world as though you were a child. Children are naturally curious. Rather than saying no to everything new, throw yourself into the unknown just like a child. You’ll gain a new perspective about life.
3. Make small changes to your regular routines. Being spontaneous doesn’t necessarily mean making massive changes to your life. Even small changes can lead to unexpected discoveries.
● Take a different route. For example, if you usually jog a certain route, try taking a different route to see what happens. Take the scenic route to work or home. Turn on a different street and see what’s there.
● Do something out of its regular order. When you shake up the routine a bit, it makes you see things differently. For example, switch around breakfast and supper. Eat dessert first. Add an extra playtime with your kids, even if it’s just one short game.
4. Make random choices. When it comes to making decisions, try something like a coin flip to decide which option to take.
5. Explore new activities. You’ll add all kinds of spice to your life!
● Let someone else choose the movie.
● Explore a place in your city that you’ve never been.
● Visit your local tourist attractions. It’s likely that, as a resident, you’ve never been there. Do some research into unusual places, like alligator farms or train museums.
● Choose a different type of vacation or destination. For example, instead of always going to the beach, go to the mountains. Try a new city or country.
● Try a new hobby. Take salsa lessons. Paint a picture. Learn to play a musical instrument. Go to a rodeo.
6. Dare yourself to do something that you’ve been afraid to do. For example, ask an attractive coworker out on a date or learn to dive. Not only will you help to conquer your fears, but you’ll also discover new experiences that you can add to your life.
Becoming more spontaneous doesn’t mean that you need to stop making plans or thinking long-term. Simply leave a little room for slight deviations and take action to do something differently each day. You’ll be glad you did!
10 Actions You Can Take to Create a Vibrant, Fulfilling Life
“There is only one true success. To be able to live your own life in your own way.”
– Christopher Morley
Most people look at the Richard Branson’s and the Elon Musk’s of this world and see them as super successful.
But what if you’re not “most people”? What if you light up over other stories about more tangible, more heart-warming activities that touch your soul?
For example, maybe you read a story about a man who spent his whole life planting trees and created a huge new forest that stabilized the soil, attracted a whole new generation of wildlife, and helped address the climate change issue, and thought, “WOW! That is awesome! I wish I had done that.”
Or maybe you read a story about a woman who sold everything she had to start a Dog Sanctuary, where she took in all the dogs that people had thrown out, nursed them back to health, trained them, and found forever homes for them with loving families, and it made you cry, and you thought, “I wish that was me.”
What Do You Want?
In the real world, the vast majority of people are not interested in climbing the corporate ladder. Nor are they really interested in being a multi-millionaire. Profit, power, and prestige don’t interest them.
What they are really interested in is doing something they love, something that they can feel passionate about, something that makes them want to stay up late and get up to start early because they absolutely love what they do. Something that their soul yearns for and makes their heart sing.
But most of those same people feel trapped in a job they don’t like, working way too hard for too little money. Most of them have too much month left over at the end of the money, and they are sick of it. Worse still, they have no idea of how to get out of it, so they feel trapped.
Are you like these people?
For things to change, YOU have to change. But how can you do that?
Here are 10 things you can do to move away from what you don’t want and toward what you do want:
1. Avoid putting up with things, circumstances, or people that make you feel bad. Life is short. Let go of it all, starting today. Take one step at a time. Make a conscious effort to eliminate everything in your life that doesn’t fill you with joy or inspiration.
2. Pay attention to what catches your eye, piques your interest, and causes you to think. Take notes on all of those things - where you saw them, what it was that got your interest, and how you feel about those topics. Somewhere in there is a vibrant future for you.
3. Design your ideal day. What time would you get up? What would your ideal home look like? Where would you live? What would you do with your time? Who would you spend time with? How would it all make you feel?
4. Collect stories of people who inspire you. Start making notes on hobbies, activities, or careers that you feel you would like to explore. Start doing some research. Then find someone who is already doing that and go talk with them.
● Buy them coffee, lunch or interview them. Ask lots of questions. Take good notes.
5. Once a week, take everything you’ve thought about, collected, and researched and put it onto the table like a jigsaw. Look for all the commonalities in what you’ve discovered. Think of it like a treasure map that you need to complete to find your fortune.
6. Think about starting a part-time business that you could run from home. Something that would give you a sense of freedom, independence, and an income independent of your job. Even if it’s only modestly successful, you could use the income to fund your passion.
7. If you don’t like your job, think about changing it for something that might move you a little closer to completing your treasure map. Maybe, by leveraging the income from your home-business, you could take a part-time job doing something much more enjoyable.
8. Remember: Change can only come from making decisions and taking action. Practice being decisive. Practice taking action. You’ll notice that your confidence will rise in proportion to the number of decisions you make and the number of actions you take.
9. Gain clarity. By now you will have at least some awareness on where your future might be waiting for you and what it might look and feel like. What you need now is clarity. The clearer you get on everything the easier it is to move toward it, and as soon as you move toward it, it will move toward you.
10. Hire a coach. Find a coach to help you bring all your ideas into focus and into reality. It will not only be the smartest investment in yourself that you’ve ever made, but it will also be the most permanent and fulfilling.
Life is here for us to enjoy, not endure. Find out what it is that your soul yearns for and what will make your heart sing. Others have done it, why not you? Take it one step at a time, one day at a time, and pursue this adventure we call Life.
Create your own treasure map and make a conscious, determined effort to follow it. There will be twists and turns along the way, so expect them. Now is the time. Make that decision and act upon it NOW!
Happiness is a choice.
I choose to be happy. When I am clear with what makes me happy, I move consistently in that direction.
I start with a smile. The first person I smile at is the one in the mirror. I turn any automatic self-deprecating evaluations into self-affirming affirmations. I state them in the mirror:
“Good morning, Gorgeous! Wow! I love my hair! I am looking marvelous today!”
With a start like that, it is easy for me to walk tall. I put a happy tune in my head and start to whistle and hum as I head to work.
My drive is easy and smooth. I even catch myself smiling at my neighbor at the stop light. I turn up the radio and do my happy dance in the car. I sing to my heart’s content.
I find reasons to laugh. I make up jokes in my head. I watch comedies on TV.
I develop my unique sense of humor. Even if others fail to think that something is funny, I laugh anyway if it tickles me.
I laugh at myself - my own jokes, funny thoughts, or silly things that I do.
My happiness increases when I arrive at my home. I thank my lucky stars I made my way home safely. I am grateful for shelter. I am thankful for transportation. What a blessing it is to have food and water to sustain me.
Today, my philosophy is that life is too short to be anything but happy and I do my best to live it to the fullest!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What do I do first thing in the morning to create happiness?
2. What do I do in the day to sustain happiness?
3. What can I do to increase my happiness to even higher levels?
I am at peace with reality.
Practicing acceptance helps me to reduce the discomfort in my life and make wiser decisions. I learn to be happy with what I have even when it is different from what I want.
I accept myself. I love my body and mind. I embrace my strengths and the areas where I need to grow. I have confidence in myself while being realistic about my abilities.
I accept others. I appreciate who they are instead of trying to change them. I respect their beliefs and boundaries. My relationships are built on mutual understanding and respect.
I accept blessings and hardships. I acknowledge that life is full of experiences that I may like or dislike. I remember that adversity can teach me valuable lessons and help me to build my character.
I focus on what I can control. I live in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or future. I work with what is happening now instead of wishing for something else. I develop solutions and take responsibility for my actions.
I let go of regrets. I liberate myself from anger and frustration.
I examine my biases. I distinguish between facts and feelings. I challenge my assumptions. I ask others for feedback and listen with an open mind to different points of view.
Today, I connect with reality. I choose constructive action rather than resistance. Acceptance enables me to move ahead in life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How does denial hold me back?
2. What is the difference between acceptance and giving up?
3. Why does acceptance sometimes require courage?
14 Habits to Live a Wonderful Life
Positive habits are powerful tools. They allow you to accomplish meaningful tasks with little thought or motivation required. With the right set of habits, you can accomplish nearly anything and be on autopilot much of the time.
Those people that put forth herculean effort are admired by our society. We love the runner that crawls the last mile of a marathon. However, a surer path to success is to do the necessary things each and every day. A little each day adds up to a lot.
See how your habits influence the quality of your life:
1. Save money. Financial challenges are among the most common stressors in our society. A tendency to save, rather than spend, can prevent a lot of anxiety. Imagine how much easier your life could be if you always had enough money in the bank.
2. Exercise. You’re stuck with the body you were born with. It only makes sense to take good care of it. Thirty minutes of exercise each day will boost your health and make you feel better.
3. Get enough sleep but wake up early. Only you know exactly how much sleep you need, but it’s probably more than you’re getting on a regular basis. It’s also important to start your day early and get off to a good start. This might seem contradictory, but it simply means that you need to go to bed earlier.
4. Drink more water. Your body is composed primarily of water. Drinking plenty of water each day makes good sense.
5. Meditate. Meditation has survived for thousands of years and has never been more popular. It contributes positively to both your mental and physical health. A daily meditation practice can reduce stress and bring you peace and serenity.
6. Be choosy about the people you allow into your life. People have the power to elevate your life or to destroy it. Choose wisely.
7. Be choosy about the activities you allow into your life. Spending your time on activities that matter to you brings greater meaning and fulfillment into your everyday life.
8. Follow the 80/20 rule. Some actions are a lot more effective than others. Determine which actions produce the most positive results in your life and focus your efforts on doing more of those and less of the ones that don’t add to your life.
9. Have a healthy breakfast. If you get up early and have a healthy breakfast, you’re already ahead of most of the population. A good morning gives the best opportunity to have a good day.
10. Know your priorities for the day. Hit the ground running by knowing exactly what you need to accomplish for the day. You’ll get more done and have to make fewer decisions during the day.
11. Review your goals. Keep your mind focused on your goals by reviewing them for a few minutes each day.
12. Spend time in nature. Take a walk in the woods. Sit in the park and breathe some fresh air. Ride your bike down a country road. Get away from people and spend some time with the plants, trees, and animals.
13. Be grateful. Practicing gratitude each day can help to prevent stress and depression. Reminding yourself that there are good things in your life brings your focus onto what’s great about your life - and attracts more of the same.
14. Have a morning routine. An established morning routine can save time and get your day off to a strong start.
Take a few minutes and consider your goals and current challenges. What are a few habits that would be very helpful to have? Ask yourself what would happen if you engaged in those habits regularly.
It’s easy to see how much influence positive, effective habits can have on your life. Choose habits that support your dreams and you’ll live the life you desire.
I broaden my bandwidth of receptivity.
As I open to the magnificence all around me, I expand my awareness. Just as a giant satellite dish, I increase my ability to receive based on how open I am to receive.
I stand up straight and tall like an antenna, open my arms wide, and pick up new information from all around me.
I feel my heart open up to receive more love. I feel my mind open up to receive new perspectives. I feel my cells open up to receive more sunshine.
I feel expansive.
Like a radio, I can tune into whatever station I want to listen to. I can choose to listen to FM or AM, or satellite. I open up to the greatest bandwidth available. I feel myself expanding in all areas.
Now that I have unblocked my heart, new and exciting friendships appear. I love that my new friends are open and authentic. I am happy that I feel safe to open to more honest love.
Now that I have reduced the static in my mind and let go of old worn out beliefs, I can expand my mind into fresh new territory. I can view the Earth from my satellite perspective.
Now that I have opened up to alternative forms of health, I find wonderful activities that are fun and exciting. I love that I am getting more sunshine. I love that I am breathing fresh air. I love that I am eating nourishing foods. I love that I am getting the rest I need.
Today, I am happy that I have found greater bliss by expanding my awareness to the magnificence around me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I broaden my bandwidth of receptivity?
2. What activities help me feel more alive?
3. How can I share my new perspective?
I wander this World in awe.
I wander this World in awe and wonder. I am constantly surprised at its incredible beauty.
As I notice and appreciate this World, it reveals even more surprises.
I love to see the changes of the seasons. It seems like just yesterday when a Monarch butterfly lit right in front of me. It was just a moment ago when the leaves started to fall. Just now, a snowflake touched my tongue. Tomorrow, it will be spring again.
When I stay totally present to what is, the magic happens. I choose to be here now. I choose to immerse myself in the present moment. My eyesight seems to expand and blur at the same time and I feel fully awake and alive.
The more I appreciate this world of beauty, the more beauty is laid at my feet.
I feel the beauty rise within me. I feel calm. I feel comforted. I feel comfortable. I can take a breath and just be.
I choose to walk in beauty. This is the Native American way that I embrace. That is how I choose to look at the world.
I see this world through the eyes of a child. I imagine again what it is like to be a baby and be fascinated by my fingers and toes. My toes and fingers are truly remarkable.
I am reminded about how amazing my body is. I am in awe of my autonomic nervous system. I am in awe of how my heart pumps blood. I am in awe of how many thoughts I can think. I am in awe of how I can move through space.
Today, I realize that the more I stay in a state of ‘awe’ the more AWESOME my life becomes!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I experience more ‘awe’ in my life?
2. What can I do to increase my awesomeness?
3. How can I share this state of awe with others?
8 Ways to Find Deeper Meaning in Life
There’s more to life than just going to work, eating dinner, maintaining your home, and watching TV. Even people that are obsessed with their careers can feel like their life is flat and lacks real meaning.
You might be lucky enough to find true meaning from your work, but most of us desire greater fulfillment.
We’re all searching for some kind of meaning from life.
But, how do you find it?
Use these tips to find greater meaning in your day-to-day life:
1. Volunteer. Put your attention on others, and you’ll feel better overall. It feels good to help other people, to make a difference in someone else’s life, and your life will feel more meaningful as a result.
2. Live by your values. When you ignore your values, it’s easy for your life to get off track. You quickly find yourself living a life that doesn’t fulfill you. List your values and make your decisions based on your values.
3. Spend more time with others. It’s not that you can’t have a meaningful life without other people, but it’s less likely. We’re programmed to be part of a community. It wasn’t that long ago that it was impossible for a human to survive on his own. People can add meaning to life.
4. Strip away the excess. It’s easy to get caught up in the little things that don’t matter. Go through your house and get rid of everything except the things you need or love. Do the same with your social circle and activities. If you don’t need it or love it, let it go.
5. What brings you joy? The more time you spend on things that bring you joy, the more meaningful your life will feel to you. Make a list of the things that you enjoy and schedule more of those activities into your life.
6. Be part of something that is bigger than yourself. What do you think is really important? Saving the whales? The environment? Helping needy children? Homelessness? Find a cause that you find highly meaningful and give it your all.
7. Be grateful. Nothing feels quite like gratefulness. It’s a warm, calming feeling. Spend a few minutes each day and make a list of everything that makes you feel grateful. Try to identify at least one new thing each day.
8. Consider all the people that benefit from your existence. There are a lot of people that might depend on you.
● The customers that your business serves
● The people in your family, especially your spouse/partner and children
● Your aging parents
● Your coworkers
● Your friends
● These are just a few of the people that need you each day. Make a list of all the people that depend on you.
Believing that your life has meaning has real implications on your physical and mental health.
Multiple studies on those over 65 years of age have shown that those who believe their life has meaning score better on mental and physical health questionnaires. They also show higher cognitive function.
As you age, it becomes increasingly important to your wellbeing that you live a life with purpose.
You don’t have to save the world to find deeper meaning in your life. Notice the contributions that you’re already making. Create a life that you find meaningful and it will also bring you more joy, happiness, and fulfillment.
I tap into the Universal Presence.
I take the time to be one with the universal presence. By being present to all that is, I am aware of things that I would like to let go of. I can heal past traumas. I notice amazing things about myself that I am ready to bring forth.
The more present I am, the faster I can process through old behavior. Now, I notice it is becoming a game. I can make it fun. I can make it easy.
By being present, I open up a whole new world.
I have expanded my awareness, and everything is happening at once. I feel like, for a moment, I am able to stop, slow down, or speed up time. I have entered into timelessness. My eyes widen like a child.
I have entered the zone. I can savor the things that are really meaningful and dismiss the things that are irrelevant. I am present in the Presence.
With this newfound magic wand, I can enjoy my life exponentially. I enjoy food on a whole new level. I realize guilt is a useless emotion. I dispel it from my reality. Poof. It is gone.
I feel like my very own Fairy Godmother. I realize that I am MAGICAL! I can create anything I want. I can live my life FULL OUT! I expand my capacity to breathe in LIFE!
Today, I feel like I can see everything clearly on all levels. All my senses are in a state of expanded joy and bliss. I am blessed beyond measure.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I expand my capacity for more joy?
2. How can I expand my capacity for more peace?
3. How can I expand my capacity for greater bliss?
I choose my own adventure.
It is high time that I choose a new adventure. I have gained greater confidence in myself to step into a new journey. I have spent plenty of time planning this new adventure.
Now is the time to embark on it.
I have grown so much in the last year. I have overcome many inner obstacles, overpowered many fears, and released old limiting beliefs that have been a hindrance in the past.
I can now unleash my boat from the moor.
As the many seafarers of the past had to let go of the shore of the known to embrace the adventure of the unknown, I too am ready to start my new, empowered life. I push off from the marina and head toward the sun with the wind at my back.
The universe is my oyster!
I am the Commodore of the fleet of unfulfilled projects. However, I now take command of my ships. I am fearless. I am the leader that I always knew I could be.
I am creating my legacy by embracing that which I dare to do.
I feel myself breathing in the fresh air. I expand my lungs as I expand into new possibilities.
Today, I am excited about this new adventure. I am curious about what lies ahead. I am thrilled to be starting something new. I boldly go where I have never even imagined going before. It is exhilarating!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What new possibilities am I open to experiencing now?
2. How can I confidently step into the unknown?
3. Who would I like to share my new adventure with?
I embrace happiness.
I am joyful and calm.
I notice the pleasant things that happen each day, even during difficult times. I focus on the positive. I cultivate gratitude and appreciation. I create opportunities to have fun and feel at peace.
I reach out to my family and friends. I spend time with my loved ones. We enjoy sharing deep conversations and fun activities. We rely on each other for companionship and support.
I play with my children and pets. I feel comfortable laughing at myself and being silly. I listen to music. I sing along with my favorite songs. They give me energy and stir up happy memories.
I give back to my community. I do volunteer work at local food banks and animal shelters. I greet my neighbors and bring them home-cooked meals.
I connect with nature. I take long walks and eat dinner outdoors. I watch nature shows. I marvel at sunsets and vegetable gardens. I feel connected with something bigger than myself.
I manage stress. I develop healthy and constructive strategies for dealing with tension at home and work. I work out regularly and eat a nutritious diet. I sleep well and take refreshing breaks throughout the day.
I practice my faith. My beliefs give me comfort and strength. Reading inspirational texts and talking with my spiritual friends lifts my spirits and helps me to understand my life purpose.
Today, I choose to be happy. I am content with who I am and what I have.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Why does true happiness come from within?
2. How can I be happy at work?
3. What is one thing I am looking forward to?
I say yes to life.
I greet each day with a smile.
I try new things. I engage my imagination and indulge my curiosity.
I take risks. I move beyond my comfort zone. I reveal my vulnerabilities. I stand up for my principles. I sign up for challenging assignments at work.
I move more. Staying active enhances my mental and physical wellbeing. I work out regularly. I take breaks from sitting. I climb the stairs and rake the yard.
I eat healthy. My diet can help me to live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life. I fill my plate with vegetables and fruits. I choose healthy fats and lean proteins. I limit added sugar and salt.
I love my family and friends. I show them my appreciation and affection. I accept party invitations and plan outings. I share deep conversations and silly games.
I continue learning. I read books and talk with others about their areas of expertise. I take courses online or at my local university. I visit museums and attend lectures. I travel around my neighborhood or across the world.
I give generously. Helping others boosts my confidence and makes me feel connected. I donate to charity and volunteer in my community. I run errands for elderly neighbors and clean out the office refrigerator.
Today, I live joyfully. I embrace the present moment and treasure each experience.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What is my definition of a full life?
2. What would I be doing now if money was no object?
3. How can I use my values to make my life more fulfilling?
10 Ways to Add Some Adventure to Your Life
Is your life in a rut? Do you admire those people on the National Geographic Channel that are exploring the Amazon? Maybe you’re intrigued by stories of skydiving that your coworkers shared by the watercooler.
Perhaps you’re sick of eating macaroni and cheese every Thursday night. Maybe you’d like to take a new vacation instead of camping down by the river for the 8th year in a row.
You want to experience some adventure!
Consider these strategies to add some adventure to your life and feel alive again:
1. Find the time. While an adventure doesn’t have to take a lot of time, they all require some time. Make a list of how you spend your time each week and look for unproductive or unsatisfying activities that you can sacrifice for a little adventure.
2. Say “yes” to new activities and people. When you say “no” your life stays the same. Say “yes” for a change and see what happens to your life. Remember you need to say “yes” to new things and people, not “yes” to going to the movies with your friend for the 100th weekend in a row.
3. Get in shape. Not all adventures require a high degree of physical fitness, but you’ll have far more opportunities to be adventurous if you’re in good shape. For example, it’s not easy to walk to the top of a mountain or a waterfall if you’re overweight and your fitness level is lacking.
4. Save money. The more money you have, the bigger your adventures can be. Of course, you can have plenty of adventures near your home for free. However, having more money creates more freedom and opportunities. Save your money for your adventures!
5. Explore your interests. What interests you? Travel? The outdoors? Are you a daredevil at heart, but you’ve never had a chance to exercise that urge? The best adventures include your interests.
6. Try a new food. This is an easy way to add some adventure to your life. Have you ever had Vietnamese food? Russian? Indian? Thai? There are plenty of foods in your grocery store that you’ve never tasted. Try one today.
7. Take the scenic route. You likely take either the fastest or easiest route to every destination. Try taking the most scenic route for a change, or even just a different route. You never know what you’ll see or what will happen.
8. Plan a trip. Plan a trip to someplace new. Make your own itinerary and ensure that you’ll have some adventures along the way.
9. Talk to a stranger. Few things can add more change to your life than new people. Each time you leave your house you see dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people you don’t know. Each one has the potential to be an adventure!
10. Do something adventurous at least once a week. Adventure doesn’t have to be something that only happens once a year. You can make the decision to be adventurous each day of your life.
It’s easy to fall into the rut of living the same day over and over again. Once you find a routine that works, it can be hard to convince yourself to make any changes. But we aren’t meant to live the same day over and over.
Your life can be adventurous without risking your life or your wallet. Start by giving yourself an adventure today!
I am expanding my capacity for JOY.
I know I create my own reality, so why not create a joyful one? I say “yes” to JOY.
I choose to see what is joyful around me. I enjoy seeing baby animals in the Springtime. I laugh when I see a baby giggle. I can create a more joy-filled life. It is up to me.
I now take this opportunity to see the joy in all things. I even laugh at my own mistakes. I create a sense of humor. I listen to funny jokes.
I see the humor in everything. I start to laugh more. I expose myself to more comedy. I watch humorous movies. I surround myself with people who laugh a lot.
I find ways to bring in more joy. I whistle at work. I hum a happy tune. I cuddle with my pets.
I listen carefully to my thoughts. I turn any negative thoughts into positive ones.
I look for ways to make life more fun. I play tricks on my partner. I wear silly socks. I realize life can be more fun.
I realize that there are plenty of things to be serious about, and that is why I counter all the seriousness with some humor and laughter.
Today, I give myself permission to laugh. I smile more. I see the world through the eyes of joy.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I bring more joy to the world?
2. What do I need to do for myself to expand my capacity for joy?
3. Where in my community can I bring more happiness and joy?
Why Happiness is So Important
Happiness has more importance than just feeling good. Happiness is also important to your health, longevity, success, and relationships.
The importance of happiness is often discounted in a culture obsessed with material success, but it’s hard to purchase something that will make you happy in the long-term.
Your happiness isn’t just important to you. It’s also important to your friends, family, and your employer.
Consider these ideas:
1. Happy people are healthier. Happier people get sick less frequently and less severely on the average. Happy people visit the hospital less frequently. A bad mood is bad for your immune system, too.
● Happy people are less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. Your physical and mental health are at greater risk when you’re not happy.
● Healthcare is very expensive. Happiness can be a great way to save a lot of money.
2. Happy people live longer. Several studies suggest that the happiest people live up to 10 years longer than those that are the least happy. Also, since happy people are healthier, they also tend to live longer, too. Happiness can do more to boost your lifespan than just about anything else. It’s free, too.
3. Happy people are more resistant to stress. Unhappy people are more easily overwhelmed when stressed. Happy people are better able to handle stress, and the effect that stress has on them is decreased. Being happy makes you more capable.
4. Happy people are more successful. It's worth asking if successful people are successful because they’re happy. Or are they happy because they’re successful? It’s likely a little of both. Happy people are more productive, have better relationships, and handle stress better.
5. Happy people enjoy stronger relationships. Would you rather be around someone that was happy most of the time or someone that was not? Being happy can boost all of your relationships, including those with your partner, family, friends, and coworkers.
● Think about the happiest people you know. They tend to have great friendships and intimate relationships. They are close to their families, too.
● Unhappy people are often alone and have challenging relationships when they do have people in their lives.
6. Happy people get more done. Happy people are more productive and are better employees. Think about how much better you take care of your home when you’re happy versus those times you’re unhappy. If you have an open position at work, consider happiness as a factor when hiring.
7. Happy people have more friends. Of course, they have more friends. Happy people attract others. We enjoy being around people that are in a positive emotional state. We avoid those that aren’t. If you want to have more plans on the weekend, be happier!
8. Happy people are more creative. A happy mind is more open to new ideas and concepts. A happy person is more likely to have a useful creative idea than someone that is unhappy.
● If you’re struggling to find a solution to a problem, put yourself in a happy state first. You’ll be much more likely to find the answer you need.
We often postpone happiness for a later date. We decide that we’ll be happy after we finish school, buy a house, save a certain amount of money, or find the person of our dreams. This is a mistake. Being unhappy harms yourself and everyone else in your life.
Do yourself and everyone else in your life a huge favor and make your happiness a priority!
I choose ease and grace.
I am happy that I can pick and choose how I create my reality.
I am grateful for the knowledge that I can cut new neural pathways. I am fortunate indeed. I am lucky that I have had so many opportunities to learn that I am in charge of my life.
I choose to respond to life in an easy manner rather than to make it hard. I am happy that I can accept grace in my life.
At one time, I could be extremely hard on myself. I am so happy that that behavior is a thing of the past. I can now motivate myself through inspiration instead of being a slave to my negative motivation.
I often think about life like an amusement park. I can choose to go through life like a roller coaster, or I can choose the lazy river. I am now at a point in my life that I choose the lazy river and float through life, rather than accept the crazy roller coaster of the external world.
I am grateful that I have learned to turn off the distractions of the world.
I choose to listen to soothing music, rather than loud, obnoxious radio programs. I avoid the drama of social media. I enjoy the laughter of the kids in the neighborhood. I resist the temptation of mainstream media.
Today, I choose to float down the stream of ease and grace. I like my life that way. I feel happy, serene, and peaceful.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What do I need to let go of in order to have an easier life?
2. What distractions am I ready to release in order to bring more grace into my life?
3. How can I be a shining example of ease and grace to others?
I create my own personal Aloha State within.
This time of the year makes me long for Hawaii, the Aloha State of the United States of America. Even though I am elsewhere at this time, I can create my own Aloha State within my soul.
I am well aware that one of the meanings of “Aloha” is Love. I can create my own internal state of love and feel relaxed as if I am on vacation in Hawaii.
I imagine myself on a beach in Hawaii. I feel the warm breeze. I smell the sea air. I hear the waves coming onto the shore. I have created Hawaii within my state of being.
I notice I am calmer now. I feel my heart open up to happiness again.
I imagine my toes wiggling in the sand. I pretend to collect shells like a curious child. I feel the state of happiness overtake me.
I can create this state of being any time I want.
I anchor this happiness within by touching my heart and breathing in. A smile creeps over my face. I hear Hawaiian music playing in my head. I do a hula dance just for fun.
I decide to deepen my happy Hawaiian state by eating some pineapple. I can taste the sweetness even if I do so in my imagination.
Today, I think of all the things I love about Hawaii and bring them into my holodeck of happiness. I am a powerful creator.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What part of my life needs more happiness?
2. What can I do to make this my default state of being?
3. Who can I influence with happiness?
I am immersed in beauty.
Just like taking a bath, I feel beauty wash over me. I am wrapped in beauty.
I feel the coziness of beauty surrounding me. Like a warm breeze, it encircles me.
I see beauty in the wind as I walk through it. I love when the breeze catches my hair and playfully tosses it around my face. I love when the breeze is just the perfect temperature and the smell of summer waifs through the air. I breathe it in. I take it all in.
I find that the more I appreciate Beauty, the more she awakens within me.
I start to see the beauty, not only around me, but also within me. I am a bit surprised by that. What a thought.
I allow Beauty to permeate my being. I release resistance and let her find her way to my soul. Like tiny little rivulets find their way to the sea, I allow Beauty to permeate my Soul. She has been there all the time anyway. I just didn’t see her.
I now acknowledge beauty within me. I let go of all the old programing that said otherwise.
If I can see the beauty outside of me, it is only because it is within me. I allow that statement to go in and be accepted by my inner self. I integrate beauty into my mind.
Today, I accept my new programming, knowing that I am beautiful inside and out. I also accept that everyone else is also beautiful inside and out as well. Beauty abounds and surrounds me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What do I need to do to accept that I am beautiful inside and out?
2. How can I see the beauty in other people more fully?
3. How can I bring more beauty to the world?
Happiness is an inside job.
I am the creator of my world and I choose to be happy.
With the external world being such as it is, I choose to go within and create a better world. I refuse to allow myself to depend on the external world to provide any happiness. I realize that happiness is an inside job.
Now that I have unplugged from the toxicity of mainstream media and toxic social media outlets, I have freed up a tremendous amount of time and energy to be creative.
I fill my inner world with joy.
I am now finding creative projects to fill my time. I pick up my ukulele and practice my happy hula songs. I dance around the kitchen and create new recipes of healthy foods to nourish my body.
I plant a garden. I nurture my new plants. I am proud of how I am spending my time.
I spend time with friends and family. I choose those people who share my values and like to stay positive and happy.
I find new ways to exercise my body and mind. I take my dog to the park. I feed the ducks. I read new books on positivity. I research how happiness improves my health and longevity.
I am grateful for all the blessings that are flooding my life. I have opened up to a whole new level of happiness. I am laughing more. I am more relaxed.
Today, I am happy that I have found my happy place.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What new practices am I installing to create greater happiness?
2. How can I increase my good?
3. Who would I like to share my wonderful world with?
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