Creating Art has been a life-long aspiration. Our students, volunteers, and collaborators and anxious to showcase their art and computer science skills by using artificial intelligence to create unique art never yet seen.


Maohi Encounter

Impossible Art: Christian Wilson's Eclectic Venture into Anachronistic Surrealism


  • Underwater Polynesian Goddesses and Floral Kingdoms
  • The Renaissance Masters Reimagine Polynesia
  • Present-Day Renaissance Paparazzi Artists 

What if we could create new and unique visions of art that have never existed?

Christian Wilson's Artificial Intelligence (AI) work is an exploration into what it means to be human. He strives for authenticity in both his commissioned portraits as well as artistic creations utilizing the newest mediums of artificial intelligence. But to know Wilson’s future, it helps to know his past. As a young teenager, he preferred painting with pastels. A lifelong photographer since 1971. His father worked for Eastman Kodak for his entire 30 year career and he gave Christian a darkroom when he was 13.

Wilson takes us on a journey through pre-contact Polynesia with his latest theme “Unseen Faces of Polynesia” with the help of Renaissance artists. The gentle instability between two time periods is reflected in this work, which sees the artist explore how people from different cultures in different time periods would perceive one another in surreal environments such as underwater forests, flower gardens, and waterfalls..

The impetus that created the art started with a simple desire to collaborate. “Wouldn’t it be great,” Wilson asked himself, “to have assistants that painted with me?”

A parallel can often be drawn between art and culture - what does it mean when an object has been designed to mimic human behavior? “Is there anything that should exempt these creations because they're not real-life models playing themselves back at you...or even if we ourselves were creating our own world out of things rather than observing them firsthand?"

The future is here, and it's geometric. Wilson creates art that reimagines physical reality through the lens of artificial intelligence—and he hasn't stopped since making his mark with both robots who paint their own pictures as well as those capable enough to generate them from scratch at will: "Today I am showcasing my latest theme using four different AI tools and platforms, with the help of two human collaborators from Poland and Indonesia" said Wilson.

copyright 2022 Yes Education

The poet's words are a colorful explosion of image and sound. By selecting favorite nouns, adjectives, and adverbs from the 19th century and turning them into action words to create art, the poet creates a powerful message about the imagination. The words “women”, “Polynesian”, "underwater," "mountains," "flower crowns" become evocative symbols of the imagination's power to transform the world. The combination of art and poetry also makes use of alliteration and rhyme to create a sense of rhythm and movement. These devices underscore the idea that the imagination is a dynamic force that can change the way we see the world. The artistic interpretation of this art reminds us that the power of words lies in their ability to spark and paint the imagination. Art is a form of expression that allows artists to communicate their ideas and feelings through the use of color, line, shape, and form. 

Imagination is an important tool for artists, as it allows them to create new worlds or interpret reality, without bounds. When creating art, artists often use words such as "vision," "creativity," and "dreams" to describe their process. These words allow us to understand the artist's process and how they translate their thoughts into visually stunning creations. By understanding the various elements of art, we can better appreciate the wide array of masterpieces that have been created throughout history.

AI artist, Christian Wilson's work is an exploration into what it means to be human. He strives for authenticity in both his commissioned portraits as well as artistic creations utilizing this newest medium of artificial intelligence. But to know Wilson’s future, it helps to know his past. As a young teenager, he preferred painting with pastels. A lifelong photographer since 1971. His father worked for Eastman Kodak for his entire 30 year career and gave him a darkroom when he was 12.

Wilson takes us on a journey through pre-contact Polynesia with his latest theme “Unseen Faces of Polynesia”. The gentle instability between two time periods is reflected in this work, which sees the artist explore how people from different cultures in different time periods would perceive one another in surreal environments such as underwater forests, flower gardens, and waterfalls..

copyright 2022 Yes Education

Imagination is an important tool for artists, as it allows them to create new worlds or interpret reality. without bounds. When creating art, artists often use words such as "vision," "creativity," and "dreams" to describe their process. These words allow us to understand the artist's process and how they translate their thoughts into visually stunning creations. By understanding the various elements of art, we can better appreciate the wide array of masterpieces that have been created throughout history.


Samples from our Art Gallery:

copyright 2022 Yes Education


Our Series of Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla

copyright 2022 Yes Education


Our Series of a young Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani mixing Gaugin art styles, words from her lyrics, Art Nouveau and other parameters.

Young Queen Liliuokalani

copyright 2024 Yes Education


Check out our new Image Product Shop for Kittens and Cats:

Top 100 Cutest Cat Breeds

Our goal is to showcase our art in Art Galleries and online via,, and other fine art galleries.

- Christian Wilson, founder of Yes Education nonprofit


You can learn more about Artificial Intelligence Art here:


Yes Education's Art for Commercial Use:

We have a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, and create derivative works based on our images. 

RAISED $10,000.00
GOAL $15,000.00

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